2013年1月2日 星期三

Hello, 2013!



然而,今天在Random House Kids的twitter帳號上看到David Levithan小說Every Day裡的主角A發表她跨年的心情,有幾句我很喜歡,節錄在這裡與大家分享:

“New Year’s has always seemed arbitrary to me. When your life can change in a day, why put such weight on the turn of a year? …We say that time is running out, but we are the ones who impose the deadlines. Time ignores us. On New Year’s Eve, like any day, time does its own thing. …We do not make resolutions. We are made of resolutions. Tangled, garbled, well-intended. We say this year will be different. But we should think of this day, this hour, this minute. They all can be different. It is up to us.


